JAMU MADURA SUMBER MADU GOES TO AFRICA !!! , Kami Sudah Berpengalaman Mengirim Ke Luar Negeri baik Via Paket EMS, DHL, FED EX, CARGO KAPAL dalam Jumlah Besar



Tongkat asli Madura is manufactured to meet the needs of women / mothers who want a physical and spiritual happiness, especially to meet the needs of society and enjoy a relationship with a man / husband, Rod was blended / mixed based on traditional recipes that have been done by our ancestors centuries ago. Secured no side effects and can fulfill the desire of women / mothers who will hold the relationship has sex with men / husbands favorite.Read More...........

Rabu, 21 Juli 2010

16. Jamu Bersalin lengkap (for 40 days ) / herbal medicine for 40 days after giving birth

Consists of :

1. Jamu I, hari 1 until day of 10 = drunk 2 x daily @ 5 capsules (morning & afternoon)

2. Jamu II, hari 11 until day of 20 aturan minum sama dengan diatas

3. Jamu III, hari 21 until day of 30 = drinking the same rules as above

4. Jamu IV, hari 31 until day of 40 = drinking the same rules as above

5. Parem Atas : 10 seeds mixed with hot water and massaged on the abdomen upward like: chest, arms, neck 2 x daily.

6. Parem Bawah : 10 seeds + a bit of hot water mixed with vinegar and smeared on the abdomen down to the foot 2 x daily.

7. Pilis : 2 seed-mixed hot water & dipiliskan to Section Dahi each day until finished.

8. Ramuan Cebok : A pack with two liters of boiled & filtered drinking water daily, a pack for two days.

9. Ramuan Minum : A pack with two liters of boiled & filtered drinking water daily, a pack for two days .

For The Powder .

Jamu 1 – Jamu IV A spoon full of herbs plus a little water and pour boiling water with half cup plus 1 tablespoon of honey taken two times dail

IMAGE OF POWDER --> Price IDR : Rp. 150.000,-
IMAGE OF CAPSULES --> Price IDR : Rp. 170.000,-

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